Welcome to Bite-Sized Grammar LLC

Bite-Sized Grammar is a virtual course provider and consulting service that helps businesses improve grammar accuracy in all forms of documentation. Bite-Sized Grammar will transform how your team writes documentation.

Click the button to LEARN MORE about our eLearning course “Elusive Grammar Errors Revealed!”

What is Bite-Sized Grammar?

We are a virtual learning and consulting service that takes your company’s documentation to a greater level of accuracy and consistency. Our service helps business professionals identify the small errors that remain in documentation, even after using a grammar checking tool!

What makes our eLearning course different?

Designed from a technical writer’s perspective, no other course has been packaged the same way to address small but glaring errors in business documents.

What do we offer?

We offer two approaches to choose from:

Approach 1: Enroll your employees in our thirty-minute eLearning program. Your workforce will never overlook these errors again because the course will show them how easy they are to identify. That’s serious return on investment.

Approach 2: Take advantage of our consultant service where we design an editorial style guide strategy tailored to your company. Similar to a brand style guide, companies need an editorial style guide to maintain consistency among documents. We can create, update, and/or expand your existing editorial brand by implementing one or more of the following:

  • Create or update your company’s editorial style guide.
  • Design a user adoption plan for employees.
  • Offer creative ways to promote style guide usage.
  • Proofread your company’s existing documentation for elusive grammar errors.

OR, choose a combination of both approaches, providing your employees with our eLearning course along with our consultant package.